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Modifications to the "Autostand 2.7" component

I am making a website for using the Autostand module by Webstylecreations. You can find this extension in the Joomla! Extension Directory. The Autostand module is a great module for car dealers. It has a perfect interface and various options for presenting your cars on sale online. It worth the every euro you have to pay for it. But it needed some tweaks to suit my expectations. I decided to spice up the the component a little bit and documented the changes for the bennefit of the Open Source community. Here you can find how I have done things.

Translations, options and translated language file download

The base module has a great option to translate the language file but unfortunately these translations do not affect the modules. This is how I managed to make the module multi language. I also changed the script a little bit to be able to translate the options in the select box presenting the engine options.

Read more about all the modifications made to the translation files ».

mod search modifications

The Autostand 2.7 component comes with a couple of modules included. The most important one is the module "mod_autostand_search". In my opinion it lacks the option to translate this module completely. Espescially in a multi language site it wont reflect all the options in the right language.

Read more about all the modifications made to the "Autostand search module" ».


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