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Autostand language files

The original language files for Autostand 2.7 can be translated to whatever language you want. But not all the options to translate are represented in the language file (well euh.. in my opinion that is..). On this page you can find the modified version of the Autostand 'core' English file for the Autostand version 2.7 and also the Dutch translation, including the extra fields. (note; go to the page I wrote about the search module for Autostand modification if you are looking for the Dutch translation for the search module.)

Dutch translation/multi language

The base module has a great option to translate the language file but unfortunately not all the options are there. There are some nice tricks to change the module by using the language file. This is how I managed to make the module multi language and I also created a complete Dutch translation. Both you can download below.

Autostand Frontend (Site) Translations

Download en-GB.com_autostand.ini. Make sure to rename this file to 'en-GB.com_autostand.ini', then upload it to 'website root > language > en-GB'. (some minor changes are made to this file, mainly missing options)

Download nl-NL.com_autostand.ini. Rename this file to 'nl-NL.com_autostand.ini'. Then upload it to 'website root > language > nl-NL'

Autostand Backend (Adminstrator) Translations

Download en-GB.com_autostand.ini. Make sure to rename this file to 'en-GB.com_autostand.ini', then upload it to 'website root > administrator > language > en-GB'. (some minor changes are made to this file, mainly missing options)

Download nl-NL.com_autostand.ini. Rename this file to 'nl-NL.com_autostand.ini'. Then upload it to 'website root > administrator > language > nl-NL'


You can discuss these translations in this forum topic


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